How To Keep A Dog From Digging Under A Fence

Learn How To Keep A Dog From Digging Under A Fence.  If you have a hound named Houdini at home, you are well aware of the difficulties in maintaining your pet’s safety and security while playing in the yard. It’s tough to deal with a dog continually planning prison breakouts.

You can probably reinforce your fence and prevent your dog from digging a way out with perseverance, imagination, and hard work. 

Dogs Dig Under Fences: Why?

It’s critical to comprehend your dog’s motivations for trying to dig a route out of the backyard to keep him safe. For several reasons, your dog might attempt to flee, some of which include:

  • He is bored.

Your dog might simply be looking for something to do. Dogs with a lot of brains need a job to keep them happy, and sometimes that doesn’t mean just lounging in the yard with the same old toys (or none at all). German shepherds, border collies, and poodles are a few examples of smart dog competitors.

  • When your pet spots a squirrel, he can’t help but chase it.  

Different canines have different levels of prey drive. Those especially captivated by what is beyond the fence can try to break free and chase their prey. Sight and scent hounds, terriers, and other breeds can exhibit this more frequently.

  • He is taking his job as a guard too seriously.

Protective puppies, especially those of guardian breeds, may be tempted to flee if they feel threatened, which could risk everyone’s safety.

  • He yearns for a friend.

Many puppies desire nothing more than to be with their loved ones. Therefore, if your pet is left outside alone without enough interaction, he might want to find friendship outside the fence.

  • Nature is calling.

Male dogs who haven’t been fixed may try to flee if they smell a nearby female in heat. Sometimes, your dog’s desire to remain within the boundaries of your property is overcome by mate-seeking drives.

  • He feels nervous.

Due to his confinement, an agitated or anxious dog may attempt to run away from his yard. Your dog could become frightened due to separation anxiety or be startled by a frightening stimulus, such as oncoming thunderstorms or fireworks.

How To Keep A Dog From Digging Under A Fence

Dogs Who Dig Under Fences: 17 Solutions

Here are some fantastic ideas to stop your dog from digging through your fence without further ado. While some of these techniques need more effort to execute than others, it is unquestionably worthwhile to invest to protect your canine partner.

  1. Patch up any existing holes

It’s important to plug any holes as they appear since dogs occasionally become attracted to existing holes. It could make sense to cover up any persistent “trouble locations” with landscaping or other lawn accessories to keep your nefarious digger at bay.

  1. Bury the fence’s bottom section

You should bury the bottom part of the fence panels as soon as possible if your dog tends to dig beneath the fence. This is quite crucial for constructing any dog-proof fencing for an escape artist. To prevent your pet from slipping under and out, you can bury the fence at least one to two feet below the ground.

You may wish to bury big boulders or another impediment close to the fence line if your dog likes to climb and you have a chain link fence as an added barrier.

  1. Secure a wire to the fence’s bottom.

Adding some chicken wire to the bottom of your fence and burying it there will create an additional barrier your dog won’t be able to dig through. Additionally, you may secure a short section of plastic fencing to the bottom of any DIY dog fence, making it more difficult for your four-footed friend to build a tunnel to freedom.

  1. Gravel Pile Near the Fence’s Base

Making a top layer of gravel near the base of the fence may deter your dog Houdini from digging through it because gravel hurts dogs’ paws. This is a simple solution, particularly for privacy fences, which can be difficult to adjust with wire.

  1. Fill the fence’s bottom with concrete.

This additional layer is an effective strategy to keep your dog from digging a tunnel to safety because your furry companion can’t dig through concrete. This is one of the most efficient ways to contain your dog, while it can ruin the look of your garden and is a somewhat expensive option.

6. Dog-Safe Digging Deterrents

A dog-safe deterrent spray could help stop your dog from approaching your fence and attempting to scale it. Nevertheless, you should test a tiny amount on a section of privacy fences that is less visible because it’s conceivable that deterrent sprays could stain wood or other materials.

To aid in preventing digging, you can also use items like dilute vinegar close to the base of the fence. Although not all dogs respond to this, it’s worth a shot because it’s a relatively cheap fix.

  1. Provide your animal companion with a digging area.

Many puppies dig for fun or because it’s in their nature. Sometimes giving your dog a safe area to dig will keep him from digging in inappropriate places. By providing a secure place for digging, such as a sandbox, you can encourage your dog to avoid making holes in the yard. Digging can be a very satisfying enrichment activity, and many owners find it more effective to redirect their dog’s digging than to stop it altogether.

Be aware that it can take some time for your four-footer to understand that you want him to dig in the designated area.

  1. Vaccinate or Neuter Your Pet

Get your animal friend neutered if he is digging himself out in search of a partner. One advantage of having your dog spayed or neutered is that the procedure may lessen your dog’s urge to seek amusement outside the fence.

  1. Encourage more physical activity

Is your animal pal exercising enough? Many dogs may have pent-up energy, so increasing enrichment before your best friend relaxes in the yard may be the key to preventing undesirable digging.

You may give your dog additional physical activity in a few different ways, for example:

-Exercising more and going for long walks or runs -Visiting the dog park or other alternative dog parks

-Taking part in agility drills -Including extra playtime -Taking into consideration a dog treadmill

  1. Get rid of sightlines

Consider installing a privacy fence if your dog is excavating in search of prey. Unfortunately, chainlink fences still provide your dog with a view of the outside world, which could encourage Fido to engage in some mutt mischief. Chainlink fences can help contain your dog. Utilize sturdy fencing and thoughtful landscaping to block off any direct lines of sight.

  1. Add A Barbed Wire Fence

Although physical barriers are always preferable, some owners might be tempted to investigate the possibility of erecting an invisible dog fence. If you choose to use an invisible fence to keep your dog secure, you must devote a lot of time teaching him how it operates.

For additional security, consider using an invisible fence and a real fence. Remember that not all dogs are suitable candidates for this method, and not all dog owners feel comfortable zapping their dog whenever it tries to leave the boundary.

  1. Make Your Dog As Comfortable As Possible

Your dog may be digging to get cooler or to find a cozy spot to curl up in. Depending on your dog’s requirements, a dog pool or an outdoor dog home can keep him comfortable and discourage digging.

Ensure your pet’s dog’s home has some warm bedding in case he gets too cold. Consider sending your dog outside with a coat before letting him out into the yard.

  1. Ensure That the Spot Is Not Alarmed

Finding the cause of your dog’s anxiety is crucial if he is trying to flee out of fear to feel secure enough to unwind in the yard. Spend some time observing your dog outside to see if you can see any triggers that cause him to go into a digging rage.

A dog camera can be used to monitor your furry pet from a distance as well. Your dog may have separation anxiety, so you’ll need to use another set of techniques. If unsure, consult a skilled behaviorist to learn more about your pet’s phobias.

  1. Get Rid of Rodents That Dig With Pet-Safe Tools

Likely, your dog is following their lead or chasing after tunneling rodents like moles or gophers if you have them. While it’s imperative to do so in a way that protects your dog, getting rid of the infestation can help stop your dog’s obsessive digging.

The best course of action is to enlist the aid of pest-control experts if you want the finest results and make sure you choose a dog-safe method of getting rid of rats in your yard.

  1. Offer more enlightenment

Is your best friend simply bored? By giving your dog additional entertaining toys or activities to play with, you may prevent damage to your yard and ensure that Fido is safe. Some dogs may resort to digging if they have nothing else to do. Keep in mind that for many dogs, mental activity is just as crucial as physical exercise!

Your dog might take pleasure in the following canine enrichment activities:

-Playing with a puzzle toy that contains treats

-Playing countless games of fetch with a dog-ball launcher -Using a canine obstacle course or agility gear

-Playing games of nosework

-Shredding cardboard and other objects that can be shred

  1. Include fresh landscaping elements

Your dog can be contained with the help of imaginative landscaping, including strategically positioned trees, rocks, and gravel. Ensure you plant bushes suitable for dogs and prevent your dog from nibbling on the brand-new garden.

  1. Keep an eye on your beloved dog when he’s outside

Some dogs require ongoing monitoring while in the backyard, particularly as they learn proper mutt behavior. It’s important to close check on your dog while he’s enjoying the outdoors until you’re certain you can leave him alone for brief periods. This will also allow you to reroute your animal companion if he starts destroying the yard.

How To Keep A Dog From Digging Under A Fence

4 Things to Avoid to Stop Dogs from Digging

While knowing how to keep your animal buddy safe is crucial, knowing what NOT to do is equally critical. It would be best if you stayed away from the following poor tactics:

  1. Don’t penalize your dog for an offense for too long.

Our pets sometimes get caught in the act. While it’s acceptable to reprimand your dog for digging if you catch him in the act (and even better, guide him to something more beneficial), it’s counterproductive to do so after the digging has already started. Your dog won’t learn anything; they’ll just be confused.

  1. Avoid using any products that can harm your dog.

Avoid using poisons or harsh chemical repellents that could harm your dog when trying to prevent digging. Aside from that, avoid anything sharp or rough that could cut your beloved dog.

  1. Avoid letting your dog be tethered and unattended.

Tethers and dog tie-outs should not be used unattended. When you and your dog are outside, they can take the place of a long leash, but not when your four-footer is by himself.

  1. Avoid adding water to the hole

Water will only partially fill the hole; if your dog enjoys splashing or swimming, it may inspire him to investigate it more. Please carefully fill in any gaps so that they fit the rest of the yard’s landscape.


A serial digger can be quite frustrating to deal with. You can keep Spot secure when he is in the yard, though, with a few resourceful solutions and training sessions.

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